A Holistic Skill Development & Well-being Program


Holistic skills development & well-being program for Children & Parents with minimal online screen time specifically designed for Covid-19



We Train Your Teachers

150+ Skills Across Categories​

Immediate Cost Savings

FREE LMS setup and training


3 in 1 program for schools

Students, Staff & Parents involvement

Fun & activity-based learning program

Skills to improve academic learning & performance

Customized to each school

Uses your current Online system


360* Assessment for tracking structured learning outcomes for each student


Reports with Progress, Strengths & Improvements as well as Skills Developed

Want to know more details? Contact us

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Champ360 creates champions with 360 degree skills required for personal & professional success. It encompasses Life skills, Physical activity/exercise and Health in an integrated program that augments core subjects. It works on the student’s physical, social and emotional well-being and trains them on various important and needed Life skills.

Since March 2020 students, teachers & parents are all predominantly confined to homes with little physical activity – unless individually they were motivated. Obesity is on the rise, health problems have crept into the household due to inactivity, increased screen time, fewer social interactions with friends, emotional issues, etc. This is starting to have a negative effect on the students. Moreover, it will take longer for students to get adjusted to physical school when it reopens with social distancing measures.

Champ360 addresses these challenges in a proactive manner by introducing a routine where exercise, fun activities, social interactions are integrated. Teachers & Parents being part of the program helps in skill building and well-being of the child.

All the other programs mentioned above are selected by parents & students based on their interests or hobbies. But Champ360 is needed irrespective of other interests/hobbies because we all care about the Physical, social & emotional well-being of the child. Colleges/Universities and Companies have started to look for these skills in students/candidates. Students excelling only in academics stand a lesser chance of success in an ever-changing environment in colleges/universities and companies.  Adaptability, resilience, communication, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, etc are skills that World Economic Forum has identified as skills that companies are looking for.

This program plays a very important part in student’s overall performance including academics.

We already have schools who have taken this program through online mode during the current Pandemic situation. Physical exercise is being conducted using a videoconferencing tool such as Zoom or Google Meet. It is limited to 30 minutes. This is part of the total online time the child will spend on a weekly basis in Champ360. Moreover, parents and staff also participate and exercise along with their families.

We will use the school’s existing online system. In case the school does not have one, we will setup Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams for FREE.

As a first step in setting up Champ360, we will help the school procure Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams which is FREE for educational institutions. We have already implemented these programs in other schools and we know the process and procedure to follow. In addition, we will also train your teachers, staff and students on how to use the online system.

Qatapultt and specifically Champ360 works across CBSE, ICSE, State and any type of school as we are board independent. Students across strata of the society need this program and hence we cater to all students and schools.

Absolutely. In fact, unlike many other programs we welcome parents & staff to actively participate in this program

This is a worry for many schools & parents. Our screen/online time is minimal and restricted to maximum 3 hours a week spread over 3 to 4 days. Moreover, exercise, projects helps in child’s learning and there is continuous interaction amongst the children and the facilitators. Screen time will be more harmful when children are neither interactive nor learning with interest.

Our main model of operation and implementation is training the existing teachers and coaches of your school so that it is cost effective. It also builds the teacher’s capacity and capability so that they are empowered. We provide plenty of training and support throughout the academic year. Our senior team members work with your teachers and staff to plan, organize, customize and implement Champ360 in your school successfully.

Teachers themselves transform once they start implementing this program. Their interactions with the students are positive and progressive. Parents are also encouraged to work with their children at home so that their involvement reinforces learning.

Parents are very much involved in the program – sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly at home through observation, assessments of specific worksheets and working with their children. We also conduct parenting workshops based on the school’s need and is anchored by a trained and experienced counsellors.

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