About us

Qatapultt (meaning Catapult & pronounced [KAT] + [UH] + [PULT])

Several years ago, the founders of Qatapultt realized that the education system had to be supplemented with customized programs and solutions to keep with latest trends and render it more holistic and relevant in today’s dynamic world environment. These programs and solutions have been developed with extensive research and analysis, with a conscious commitment to cater to students and institutions across all strata of society.

Headquartered in Bangalore, Qatapultt caters to a few other cities across North and South India.

To create & nurture a real-life learning environment and experience for student’s personal & professional success through activity based programs and solutions.
To be the market leader in student’s holistic learning and well being complementing the academic curriculum.
Parents, Schools and Educators around the World have started to focus on holistic development of students and children. While academic performance is important to gain technical knowledge, overall well-being and skill development is gaining greater importance as health, fitness and life skills play a very significant role in achieving success.
Qatapultt is at the forefront of this holistic development through its flagship program Champ360. Its integrated content and curriculum seamlessly aligns with academic subjects and provides the necessary ingredients for overall well-being amongst students, teachers and parents.
Many experts are looking at a “new normal” where we as parents, educators have to get used to social distancing, masks, repeated virus testing, etc. Physical, social and emotional health is viewed as an important and essential focus during the current Covid-19 crisis. This will continue to be even in the “new normal”. Foreseeing this, Qatapultt has developed online activity based programs for students (ages 8-18) that is fun and provides them plenty of opportunities to learn new skills. Projects based on environment, news, money management, entrepreneurship, digital literacy, etc are some of the areas that the students work on and discover their own strengths and have fun through learning.
Qatapultt is also helping schools to transition from a purely offline model to a blended or online model of functioning. This is currently under pilot mode with various ways of engaging the students along with their parents and teachers. Transitioning to a different environment (especially online) requires careful considerations as well as training for all parties. Offline and online programs have to be treated and worked upon differently to bring out the learning outcomes.
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